Monday, February 10, 2025
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Mixed Opinions and College Reopening

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Ah, how did we reach here? Just a week ago, I was having the time of my life – listening to classes like podcasts and giving tests like a boss. And now, I am worried I won’t be able to tell my microeconomics from my macroeconomics. But that’s not what most of us are worried about as the news about the DU reopening spread through the Whatsapp groups like wildfire.

Some are overjoyed to see sit in real classrooms and study. Others not so much. And like most sides to every story – this one has two fair but very varied arguments in its defence.

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Why it Should Open?

This one is fairly simple. Colleges have been closed since March 2020. Students (at least in my opinion) have been receiving sub-par education at best. Sitting in front of a laptop and pretending to understand concepts and pretending that stuff is not bothering me has gone on too long. Honestly, I get a panic attack every time I see my screen usage (and yes, a lot of that comes from streaming videos as well, but you get my point).

I know the #ReopenDU movement has been berating people for the argument “I want to see my friends”. But yes, I really would like to see my friends. It’s been too long and I need, nay deserve, company after the traumatic and bizarre two years I’ve had.

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But my problems come from a place of privilege and I’m well aware. There are students out there who don’t have access to cell phones, laptops and a decent internet connection. And those are the people who have been actually struggling. Then, there are those among us who need to get away from their toxic environment or over-bearing parents and start living life outside of the 10-inch screen.

Why Shouldn’t it open? 

Who in their right minds opens college in the middle of a semester? Was DU high when they made this decision? As much as I want the university to open, it seems so futile to open right now. Number one, cases aren’t all that low. And number two, you can’t ask people to uproot their lives, move across the country, check into over-priced PGs with unknown roommates and still have three days left for “quarantine time”. Undoubtedly, this should have been done in a phased manner but “in haste” is what we get.

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The worse bearers of this decision are students in their third years. Why are those poor souls moving for? They have two months left. It just seems cruel. Maybe DU is on a path of vengeance.

However, I don’t think that “we have tests coming and we didn’t study is a good argument”. Sorry, first years, you sadly have this coming, y’all didn’t even give boards.

Circling Back 

No matter what your opinion on the subject – DU is reopening and that too, fast. If you live outstation catch the first train here and if you live in Delhi NCR, learn to use the metro system (finally).

You know I sometimes think about that scene from ‘Humpty Sharma ki Dulhania’ in which Humpty (aka Varun Dhawan) takes a bat to one of the teachers for a higher grade. The way DU made its decision, I really think someone did that to our VC. Or maybe, it was the people trying to burn themselves in the protests that pushed the people to make this hasty decision. We’ll probably never know.

Yes, DU is reopening. Yes, it will be difficult. Let’s find solace in the fact that it is so for everyone. Like the very famous High School Musical song says ‘we’re all in this together.

But, on a good note, let’s make the best out of this decision while we shove our noses against those books.

Read more DU related news here.

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