College is the best time of one’s life. It teaches us a lot of things about life. Here are 5 things that college teaches us.
1. Not Everyone Is Your Friend
When we go to college, we think that it would be a similar experience to school but we can’t be more wrong. Everyone will seem friendly in the start but not everyone is your friend. Unlike school’s protected environment, college is real world and everyone is there for their own vested interests.
2. Politics Is The Real Game
Politics is practiced in abundance in colleges and we have to learn how to be a politician if we want to survive in the world. Everyone will have a different tactic to get their bidding realized and you have got to have the best if you want to get your own.

3. Being Selfish Isn’t Necessarily Bad
College teaches you that selfishness is a necessary evil in life and if you are like King Harishchandra, you won’t ever be successful in life. People are like crabs and they would step on your throat to get above you without hesitation. So, you have to selfish to an extent to avoid being taken advantage of.

4. Academics Don’t Pave The Road To Success
College teaches us that academics is not the most important thing in life. Sure, it is an integral part but it is not the only part. Extra curricular activities, polishing our hobbies and nurturing our natural talents can take us to heights that we couldn’t have imagined.

5. Live Like There Is No Tomorrow
No matter what the cons of facing the real world are, we should always live like it is our last day and check all the items on our bucket lists while we still have time because we never get to relive these few years again.