Friday, October 18, 2024
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Letter To My First Year Self

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Those of us who are college veterans will never forget our freshman year at college. The scared yet so energetic self with some anxieties and wonderful discoveries. It is the time when you get to discover not only the world outside but you discover a lot in your own self.

College is a lot different than high school.Your freshman experience will definitely make an impression on you. Mind it when I use the word ‘experience’ because experience is what you have when things don’t happen the way you wanted them to, maybe you might not have got the course you wanted or you might not have fitted in the group of people you wanted to be friends with. But also said about experience is that experience is the most valuable thing you have to offer.

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The first thing you will notice in your fist year is apart from all the freedom you get you also get the workload. It is more intense and heavier than you expected it to be. The major challenge of college work is the huge amount of reading, the short deadlines, a lot of writing and the massive need of self-upgradation. the immediate impact of this could be self-doubt, frustration and sometimes loneliness.

On some of those long seemingly endless nights of studying, it will be only natural for you to long for the good old days. but ya hang in there these down periods will pass but keep this thing in mind that whatever you do don’t take big decisions like quitting or lower down your own self during these blue periods. Things always look better in the morning.

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You will make a lot friends continue to be yourself. Don’t strike a prose or play a role of someone you are not. select your friends cautiously and with the same calmness that you had all these previous years and believe me when I say this that your college friendship will be the most satisfying and the long lasting one. enjoy it by being who you are.

Enjoy your newfound freedom, you will be your own boss. Be careful here, don’t go flying off to the end of the pier. Explore the local suburbs, stay up late till dawn talk about our ideas and aspirations to new souls you feel like opening to. but remember with freedom comes responsibilities. Don’t get lost in the new freedom but crave your own path for a better future. be sensitive to your own gravity. it will be the starting of the self-defining process. Going to the college is as much as finding you own self as it is about getting a degree.

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