Changes in Teacher Promotion Policy by Delhi University


Up till now, Teachers in College could be promoted to the level of Associate Professors only, and for this promotion they have to be in the age group of 26 years and the next promotion that they get is of Assistant Professor at the age of 40 and after that there are no more promotions hence no more motivation to work hard in order to go up in the line of administration, and thus they retire at the age of 65.

But now this regulation has been changed you could now become a Professor in College, thus encouraging the Teachers to continue with their research work for further promotion and other academic benefits along with it

From now on, an Associate Professor needs to have completed three years of service, have a PhD degree in a subject and a minimum of 10 research papers published in UGC-listed journals (out of which 3 research papers should be during the assessment period) the papers should also be included in 2 authored books with ISBN, in order to become a Professor.

The 20 Member committee that had been set up to rectify the Regulations and Teacher Promotion Policy has clearly stated in their report that these new amendments should be put into practice by all the Universities for Professorship in Colleges so that the benefit of fourth promotion is passed onto the college teachers as well.

The reason behind rectifying the Teacher Promotion Policy is that a lot of Teachers are involved in research work and have earned a lot of awards for the same as well, they deserve Professorship and without this, there is no further motivation for the Teachers to upgrade their performance.


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