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How To Manage Your Time For The Upcoming Semester Exams

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Exams are around the corner, and many of us are still struggling to complete the syllabus. Don’t panic or stress yourself. Read the following points so that you can channelize your time for the exams

Before the Examination
1. Chalk Out How Many Days Are Available – It is very important to know how many days are left and you have to cover the whole syllabus. Make a study time table and mark the hours needed for each lesson.
2. Develop A Study Schedule – It is important to plan well and be organized much before the examination starts. Going about preparing for the test in a methodical manner, rules out last minute glitches and uncertainty.
3. Check Previous Year Question Papers – When you go through the previous year question paper, you will have a rough idea of the questions asked, you will be aware of the question paper format and how the marks are generally distributed among the questions. Most textbooks have model question papers or these are easily available on the Internet. These are not just useful in practicing last year questions, but also give guidance on how to plan your strategy/approach to solving the paper. So before going into the actual exam, have an idea which questions need more attention and which are the ones that can be finished quickly.
4. Divide The Subject Into Chunks РThis is one of the best strategies to finish the syllabus on time. A Chunking activity involves breaking down a difficult text into more manageable pieces and rewriting these “chunks” in your own words. You can use this strategy with challenging texts of any length. Chunking helps in identifying the key words and ideas, develops their ability to paraphrase, and makes it easier for you to organize and synthesize information
5. Give Specific Days To Each Subject РThis strategy will help you a lot as you will be able to give time to each subject. First of all mark how many days you want to give to your each subject. Let’s say for your subject 1 you denote 5 days, then within 5 days just focus on that particular subject.
6. Revision – Before 2 days to your exams, just keep practicing the questions and do revision. Keep you last 2 days for revision and solving the questions only. This will enhance your memory and will help you a lot during the day of examination.
During the Examination
1. Read The Question Paper Carefully РOnce inside the exam hall, be composed and look at all the questions properly to avoid missing anything. By reading the paper thoroughly, it will be easy to write the answers accordingly when there is little time left during the test. You should read the question paper twice, as many a times we don’t get the actual meaning of the question.
2. Make A Rough Column – By making a column in your answer sheet, you can quickly write points that you wish to cover. So that when you present your answer, your rough column will help you in reminding.
3. Divide The Time Between Questions – Dedicate one or two minutes in the beginning of the test to find out which questions warrant more time and which ones can be finished quickly. Then time accordingly and proceed to answer the easy ones first, so that you manage to finish a lot in little time. Then approach the questions that will take more time to write.
4. Read Your Answer Sheet Before Submitting – Before submitting your paper, read your answers twice so that you can check your grammatical errors, spellings and that you have not missed anything.

Prepare a strategy on tackling the questions within the given time and stick by it. With this simple but effective game plan, you can easily manage time while writing an examination and pass with flying colours.

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