Friday, October 18, 2024
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Life After College Gets Over : Final Year Students Take A Note

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And the college comes to an end‚Ķ.. fest season, farewell, fresher‚Äôs, college trips, exam pressure and what not. Many of us have come across the do’s and don’t of college life and also how to ace your final year by making the most of it but what about after when reality hits? This nightmare of what will happen after college constantly strikes but guys give yourself a break.

In the persistent hustle of your final year of getting good grades, appearing for interviews, knocking the doors of college placement cell you need to relax. This is the time you need to introspect yourself and before appearing for exams understand which field you need to pursue your career in.Mixed feelings yet?

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  1. Breathe into new life

Think to recreate your inner and outer self as well. Enhance your style statement and stop letting you treat yourself like a garbage. Start focusing on your goals not in a pressure but sensibly and wisely then take a step ahead and accept this new phase of your life.

  1. A new world without semesters

It will take some time for you to be brought out to the routine you have been habituated to for months. Not cribbing for attendance and admit cards also not attending lectures even if you did once in a month ;).

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  1. Skill Sharpening

After your graduation this is the time when you can actually bend over your back and put your best foot forward in the competitive job fair, where you can work on your skills which are necessary for your job sector, can pursue various courses or internships before beginning your post graduation or jobs and propel yourself to be limitless.

  1. You start seeing your parents more often

Now that your college is over you start seeing your parents more often as you tend to spend more time at your place than any other. Also ultimately you have to approach your parents only while crying over some relationship or job rejection (if you plan to do).

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  1. Stuck between ‘love your job or doing a job you love’

Initially you might enter corporate sector with some mba or something in the heap of your first job and might realize later that it is not your cup of tea.

This is the reason that why you need to introspect yourself and figure out your career. Who knows you might end up ‘doing a job you love’ and ‘not loving your job.’

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