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How To Make The Most of Your Three Years At College

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Your aim to get admission into Delhi University is accomplished. But just getting an admission does not guarantee a job or a successful career. 54,000 students get admitted to DU every year, and the competition that you’ve survived to get a seat in the college of your choice, is just a fraction of the competition you’ll have to face once you move out of the boundaries of college after 3 years.
Here are some ways to explore different arenas and build an impressive CV while you’re still at college, which will help you stand out in the crowd.



College societies give you an insight to the outer professional world. Walking out of the classroom and joining a society will help you garner hands-on experience of organizing events, managing and leading teams, improving communication skills and most importantly, making new friends. DU colleges have a plethora of societies be it academic or cultural- Theatre/Dramatics society, Dance Society and Enactus to name a few. While at college, societies tend to become like families and being a part of a society will probably be the best decision you make.



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Internship opportunities for college students are available in abundance these days and having an internship certificate attached to your CV will make you have an edge over others. Not just the certificate, interning at a company- be it a Media House an MNC or a Bank it will gain you corporate exposure and practical knowledge which will help you set your foot in your job, once you actually start working.


DU offers a variety of short term professional courses such as entrepreneurship, mass communication, web Journalism, banking and financial services and many more at different colleges. It also offers various Certificate Courses and Diplomas in foreign languages including German, French and Spanish.Such courses add to your knowledge bank and impart the much needed professional learning.


Regardless of which field you wish to venture into, writing a blog is a simple way to display your skills. If you want to be a writer or a journalist, it’s ideal. A blog is also a great outlet to showcase any visual work, such as graphic design, painting and other artwork, fashion design, or photography. Otherwise, write your take on the big news and events in your industry, or about your experience learning the ins and outs of the business. You’ll improve your writing, become more aware and you may even gain valuable real-world exposure and connections through your blog.


Joining an NGO is another thing that you can take up, either in vacations or on a regular basis. For those of you who wish to contribute to the society, an NGO will be the perfect platform for social work and will also add to your knowledge,improve your leadership skills and will help you in networking.



Not as difficult as it sounds, launching a start-up will maximize your skills in areas of management, leadership and communication. It will help you generate a lot of contacts and most importantly, allow you to earn while studying. It could be your own website or an online portal. Having a start-up of your own is the best possible corporate experience one can ask for.
So,grab the opportunities that come by and make the most of your college days.
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