Sunday, September 8, 2024
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New Delhi

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Feeling Shy In College,Freshers? Here’s What You Gotta Do!

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Hello Freshers!

It must be difficult for you to leave school and start with a new phase of life – college. And, we know most of the freshers are introvert and feel shy in college which will make you miss a lot opportunities.

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So, this article will give you some golden tips on how to overcome shyness in initial days of college and be ‘you’.

First and foremost thing which you need to do is act confidently. Remember when you started to learn how to ride a bicycle? You were scared at first but once you had your hands on it, you became confident. In the same manner, be confident in talking to other people around you. At first, you might feel anxious but once you start doing this, you’ll see your shyness getting dissipate.

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In order to overcome shyness, one should try new things in college. You can join a college society, be a part of the executive team of your college or register yourself for some additional course which your college offers. In this way, you will come out of your comfort zone and become socially active.

Another way in which you can overcome shyness is by improving your body language. For this, you can start by making eye contact while talking, walk with your head up and speaking clearly (without any hesitation).

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So, overcome your shyness freshers and enjoy college life to the fullest.

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