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11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

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Every semester has had a constant ritual for the DU students – looking at the calendar to see when the semester holidays are going to begin. This semester had been the same. Even I had been waiting for this week’s long holiday for a long time. Preparing for Holi and making a long list of movies and web series, which I planned to see. Creating assignments and preparing for internal assessment was already on the radar. But little did I know what the future had for us. On 12th March 2020, Delhi University declared that the holidays will be extended till 31st March 2020. With the prime minister address on 24th March 2020, the deadline further got extended till 14th April 2020. The assignments, internal assessments, and other scheduled activities shall stand postponed. Already banging our heads against the wall because of quarantine, we should make the most out of this situation. Although the quarantine does act as a restriction to our freedom, yet we can do still do a lot while following social distancing.


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11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

We all are swamped on the college day. Various deadlines ranging from assignments to exams to society work is running in our mind. It does affect our overall equation with our loved ones. When was the last time when you had sat down peacefully with your family and had a meal with them? When was the last time that you had a hearty conversation with your mom or dad about your college life? Or when was the last time that you challenged you, grandpa, for a game of rummy? This is the best time when you can renew your ties with your family members and have a good time. Playing video games or some board games are some of the ways where the whole family can get involved together. You have a good time and also don’t realize as to when 2 hours have already gone. It is understandable that we all are going through a rough phase in our lives, which is eventually taking a toll on each one of us- emotionally, physically, and mentally. It is these moments that help us fight this phase as a unit.

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11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

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Had it been regular college days, we really would have sacrificed our sleep to watch our favorite web – series. The next day, leave aside attending the 9AM class, it really becomes difficult to even be present for the 12 AM class. Or maybe you end up being that superhuman who survives the next day with just 3 hours of sleep and brag out your physical capabilities to your friends. Now that we have an ample amount of time, our sleep really does not have to suffer. We really can do whatsoever as per our heart’s wish. So, what are you all waiting for? Seize the moment. Binge-watch like there is no tomorrow. There are so many apps now which our streaming web series with excellent storylines- Amazon Prime, Netflix, Zee5, MX Player, and the list is long. Don’t have a subscription? You can request your friends to share their accounts. After all, having such friends who share their subscribed accounts with you in itself is a blessing. Even I have been doing this since the holidays got postponed.


When the time changes, people change, and so do their priorities. With the college life beginning, we all moved on to make new friends and chill around with them. In this process, many of us lost touch with our school friends who helped us survive those boring classes and with whom we made so many memories. It’s time that we contact them and remember those good old school days. Rekindle your bond with school friends. It’s never too late, and there is nothing to be ashamed of calling your friends. Even they might be waiting for that one call from you to get along. So, pick up your phone and call them. You will surely not regret it.


11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

A lot of us have the habit of reading books (which are not a part of the course syllabus, of course!). There might be several half-read books or a new book which you had bought long back but did not have the time to read. Read those books and update your list of books to be read by the end of the holidays. Once the college reopens and you are back to your routine schedule, believe you, you won’t even have time to breathe. Leave aside having time to read books. So, don’t waste time and start reading those books.


Many people have a lot of talent, be it music, art, or craftwork. It is time that you improve on your existing skills. You never know that you may end up getting promoted from a bathroom singer to a decent people-can-bear-my-voice singer. One can even develop new skills, like cooking or baking.


With the whole country going on a lockdown mode, it is not just holidays for you, but for the housekeeper as well. At this point, the burden of the daily chores at home falls on the parents, especially your mother. Get involved in the household work till the time everything is not back to normal. It will reduce the burden of your parents. And the best part- you can make an impression on your parents. So, the next time you sit to watch movies, you would surely not get that starry aag-laga-iss-phone-ko look from your mom. It is a tried and tested experiment with a 100% track record. One more thing- please do not deduct the salaries of your housekeeper even they did not come for work for a long time. They really need this monetary support to run their families. After all, they are not privileged like us.


11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

Many times, we just dump our bookshelves or throw away our clothes in our cupboard. Those shelves are literally crying to be cleaned. With you lazing around throughout the day without any work, you got to clean it. Leaving early for college and coming back late, we did have an excuse. Now that we are only busy with watching movies and shows, it’s time that we organize our shelves. At least we can be brave enough to open them the next time without thinking as to what all will fall over us!


11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

Yes. This is the same old advice which was given to you by your parents and grandparents to destress yourself. But you decided to take the unhealthy way of smoking and drinking. The quarantine can take a toll on your mental health. Anxiety and stress are some problems that many people are facing these days due to the current situation. Meditating will help you to destress yourself. It will help you to keep yourself relaxed. 


Productivity guilt has already taken over us. Many of us have already started feeling that we are really whiling away time without doing anything constructive. Neither studying nor doing physical activities, have made us pondering over whether we are faultless or not. However, it is no harm in sitting idly, looking at the blank walls or just lazing around for a few days. Around the year, we are busy doing work related to our assignment and internal assessment. The college society students have an even more hard time juggling between their studies and these extracurricular activities. What’s more, we now look forward to the year-end holidays to join some internship (read as modern slavery) just to enhance the CVs. Feeling grown-ups already? Yup. So, it is okay to deduct the guild in you and lighten up your schedule. At the end of the day, you would not get this leisure time again.


11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

There is hardly any insect out there on the streets; leave aside some rickshaw puller or e-rickshaw for ferrying people. This might affect an old couple in your neighborhood who are not able to walk that distance to buy their groceries. There might be stray dogs who have not been fed or given water, as we all are complying with social distancing. Look out for the needy. One can help the old people by purchasing groceries and other essential articles while purchasing for oneself. It will reduce the burden on the elderly. You can also keep a bowl of water outside your house for stray dogs. Put a few biscuits or other animal food near the water so that they also get to eat. Remember, dogs or any other pet animals do not transmit Coronavirus.

Last but not least,


11 Things To Do During This Quarantine Period

I guess that I am spending most time of the day sanitizing my hand with a hand sanitizer. Before this, never had I used a sanitizer. I have even never bought one for myself. But with the situation looming around, I have been compelled to keep myself clean and use a hand sanitizer. It is generally rare that we students take a bath every day during the holidays. Bu the impossible has been made possible by this situation. It is shocking for me to think that my friends who believed in water conservation by taking a bath once in 5 days are now taking a shower regularly. Feels yuck, right? I have been surviving around such friends for about 2 years now.

These are some of the ways I have been surviving the quarantine without losing my sanity. Thill now, it has really been successful. I really hope that I would be able to withstand the next 21 days following the ways mentioned above. I also hope that you all will even survive and win against this pandemic situation. Happy home, quarantine!

Image Source – NBC News

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