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NSS Unit-IP College For Women Organises A 15 Day Long Cleanliness Drive In Campus

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The NSS Unit of Indraprastha College For Women (IPCW) alongwith NCC & Gandhi Study Circle organized 15 Day Cleanliness Drive from 1 September 2016 to 15 September 2016 under the guidance of teacher coordinator Ms. Dolly Jain.img_20160916_232055

The primary objective of the drive was to  spread awareness regarding clean surrounding and enviornment conservation. The area of the focus was area of the college , outside the college and an adopted school by the unit itself. The Drive was a huge success as it witnessed participation by NSS Volunteers with other environment enthusiasts from other departments with zeal and enthusiasm.

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The schedule of 15 Day Drive covered the activity area, college canteen, bank, enabling unit, migrant labour area,  gymnasium, front lawns, the area outside the college and extended to the college boundary and bus stop.

photogrid_1474133709340Poster making competition on ” Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ was organised in ‘Rajkiya Pratibha¬†Vikas¬†Vidyalaya’¬†and¬†an¬†interactive¬†session¬†was¬†held¬†between school students¬†and¬†volunteers¬†regarding¬†clean &¬†green surroundings.

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The last day of drive witnessed a street play by¬†the¬†college dramatics society ‘Abhivyakti” called as ‘Kal Dekh Lenge’. It talked about the prevalent laid back attitude of people towards the environment.The reasons as to why in spite of having the awareness people refuse to do something about it. The play dealt with this mindset using Climate Change Denial Disorder (CCDD).


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The¬†President¬†of NSS,¬†Asmita appreciated the participation of all the students and remarked , “The primary objective was to spread awareness for clean & green enviornment. We as a NSS Team felt the need¬†of contributing to Swacchta Bharat Abhiyan¬†as¬†much¬†as¬†we¬†can¬†do.¬†We¬†covered almost¬†all area in & around the college.Enthusiasm¬†among¬†students¬†and¬†the¬†support¬†by¬†the¬†college¬†authorities added to success of¬†the¬†programme.”

Keeping our environment clean is the responsibility of everyone and even a small step towards this venture does can contribute for the larger good.india1-300x300

Let us together pledge towards a clean & green environment!

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