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DU Societies — Can they be toxic?

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The first thing that all DU students notice and get to know about when they come as freshers is definitely DU Societies. And surely for the right reasons. Delhi University offers extravagant societies with so many talented people to learn from. They can truly change your perspective and make you a better person in many ways.

But with all the amazing experiences and fun times, comes the toxicity that many DU students have faced one time or the other. Adding to the academic pressure, DU societies demand a lot—in terms of your time and your energy.

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DU Societies — Can they be toxic?
Image Source- So Delhi

To achieve that tag of the best society in the entire Delhi University circuit, societies demand more than 6-7 hours of a student’s day. Sometimes so much so that students cannot even go home during holidays because they have to stay and practice for the upcoming competitions. Even attending classes becomes hard and sometimes impossible because practices start as soon as 10 in the morning. This can make the students feel exhausted and completely lose touch with anything other than their society.

What do DU students have to say?

“The kind of exposure being in a society provides you is simply incomparable. But while on one hand, it gives you so much, on the other it demands the greatest thing in the world—your complete attention and time. Societies are enlightening yet exhausting,” said a 2nd year DU student from Drama Society.

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“I’m very passionate about music, so taking part in the music society of my college seemed like the obvious thing to do. But it became very demanding with time. It became more about keeping my seniors happy and doing what they say, as they say, more than about music, which was the only reason I joined,” said another DU student.

To join the DU societies or not?

DU Societies can be very demanding for sure. But the only way to know if they’re worth your time is to try it yourself. If you don’t feel good about it after a month, and it is taking a toll on your mental health, they’re definitely not for you. However, a positive environment in the societies can help you develop your personality and even learn essential qualities for the future. Just give it a go and see for yourself!

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