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Book Review : Lost Callahan

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Outstanding plot created by Aaksa Karuna Shah in her latest novel “Lost Callahan” is worth a read where she beautifully describes the minute details from facial expressions to describing a simple wall proves her excellency in writing a novel.She created the story line and stored the words appropriately into her chapters for the readers to read the story in one go and never stop except adjusting their spectacles once or twice.

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Since Aaksa is interested in personality disorders and their effect on thought process,therefore she writes the novel keeping in mind her interest and illustrating the situation faced by Emerald(main character of the story) in memory loss and how she is manipulated in terms of getting her memory back.It wasn’t simple as you think it is.Manipulating is a wrong word mixing the wrong intentions with right deeds.Therefore,Richard keeps Emma with her for six months to completely suck her memory and feeding it with wrong thoughts based on love. Emma made Richard her hero and obeyed his every instruction as if she had lost her voice within. Richard feeds Emma with thoughts for instance he being her lover and protecting her all along and Emma believed because she already lost her own sense of thought process.

Meanwhile, her friends saphy, Iisha, Jackson, yukti and her childhood lover sean found her under the absurd circumstances after months and they were happy yet devastated to found her. Happy, because they’re relieved by the thought of she being alive after being missing for six months from home yet sad to see her not recognising any one of them while looking eye to eye. The story continues where everybody helps Emma to revive the memories and moments she lived once and for all but most of all, her love, Sean. Now sean has a tricky entry and exit and re-entry in emerald’s life. For that, have a peek in the novel.

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Moreover, a true sense of friendship is seen between Saphy and Emma where Saphy stands beside Emma in her lost phase and tried her best to get Emma’s memory back where Emma herself felt like she has given a complete family in the shades of friendship she is blessed with. Not any treatments nor the medicines could get Emma back but the home she was living in and the diary she always had maintained helped her in reviving back the old forgotten memories.

The novel consists of a beautiful poem in chapter 25, where Sean leaves Emma.

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I am strong doesn’t mean
I won’t fall
I have seen a lot of sad
Doesn’t mean I can’t look happy

Wish you could see
It too, that I see
Wish could tell you
How much I miss you

Without sounding
Desperate, baby
I will always love you
Sorry for all the trouble.

After reading “Lost Callahan” , my favourite character has to be Emma. I will recommend the book to those who have a taste in thought processes and a little drama with a pinch of romance to complete the book with a light peaceful impact.

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