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DCAC’s Website Taken Down By Pakistani Hackers,10th Such Attack In This Week

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Just few days back on 25th April 2017,various websites of some of the well known academic institutions & universities were hacked (double attacks too) by Pakistan Haxors Crew ( PHC ) .

PHC , DU Express
Source : Twitter

The Victim List includes –

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University of Delhi,IIT-BHU,IIT- Delhi, University of Kerala and Aligarh Muslim University,etc .Count goes to 10.

Google Search of Hacking News , DU Express
Source : Google Search

Damage Done

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“Nothing deleted or stolen. Just here to deliver my message to the government and the people of India.” РMessage By Hackers

They also posted videos showing alleged brutality committed by Indian soldiers in Kashmir.

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The hackers signed off saying: “#Security Is Just an Illusion”.

Effects of Attacks were removed by making the websites turn back to same positions as before attacks.

Everything looked fine and calm until 28th April 2017 making hacker’s statement about security more Stronger .

This time the official website of Delhi College of Arts & Commerce,prominently known as DCAC was hacked and joined the list of attacked websites.

Time of attack was between 12 PM and 2 PM.

Any kind of challenge to the sovereignty of India,be it on the border or on the web,shall not be tolerated by the Republic of India and it’s citizens,especially us,the youth of India” said Dhruv Dhawan,President of DCAC’s Student Union.

Further investigation and statement from university officials is awaited.

Sharing a common hosting platform makes websites of other DU colleges also vulnerable to the attack.University officials should take care of this point and increase security so that things like this can be avoided in the future.

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