Friday, October 18, 2024
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New Delhi

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Breaking Stereotypes : “The One Who Speaks Well Does Well”

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The dictum “A man of words and not of deeds is a garden full of weeds“, itself says it all.

From the time we get to recognize things, we are told that being profound in speaking skills is the only way you can lead the world or make a place for yourself. Be it school or college, the ones who are good at communication skills are always given the first chance for any opportunity. Those who could do much better than them are left behind since they failed to express themselves. People always tend to judge a person’s capabilities by his/her speaking ability. But they fail to note that “thotha chana baaje ghana” i.e., an empty vessel sounds much. This mindset often leads to ending up recruiting the wrong.

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Like, if I talk about joining the societies of college, the students have to clear the interviews. Maybe a student is profound in writing skills and it’s just that due to lack of confidence he/ she couldn’t express himself/herself.And who knows that lack of confidence might have been the repercussion of being ignored all the time. Those writing skills can be used and with passage of time he/she might gain confidence which, in turn, enhances the speaking skills also.

One should not completely rely on the verbal ability of the one being judged. There are cases where people speak so enthusiastically that they will do this and that but ultimately end up doing nothing.

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You can’t always count on words.

Agreed, that speaking skills are indispensable in this era but you can’t always and should not always identify good communication or debating skills with the determination and calibre of a person. Such people can’t be treated with disdain solely because they lack proficient speaking skills. Though, it can’t be ignored in toto, but then , it should not be the only criteria to judge one’s capabilities.
The level to which speaking is given importance in everything, whether required or not, is a serious impediment to a nation’s development. It is an iniquitous practice being followed.

Or I can say that this is also one of the reasons for lack of confidence among many. It discourages many people to express themselves as they feel a sense of inferiority complex among them. They have ideas but can’t come up with them as there is rarely anyone to foster them. The condition goes similar to “Rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer.”

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The talent of these remains latent- once and for always, buried deep down.Thus, everyone should be given a chance at least once to prove oneself, not in terms of talks but definitely in terms of deeds. Equity, not equality is what we need.

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