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Five Things Every Student Must Do After Entering Delhi University

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Fresher ?
Aspiring to get admission in DU?
Have no clue about what all you should do in college?
Not to worry. We are here guys. College life is all what you make of it. Try out everything (even the most craziest thing) rather than regretting it later because a great philosopher once said “better an oops than a what if”. When you graduate, you should not contrite for missing out on anything. Here are 5 things you should definitely do when you get in college.

1. Make some amazing friends

College life is absolutely nothing without friends. It’s a saying that college friends ends up for a lifetime so be wise while choosing your friends. Choose such friends, who should force you to bunk a lecture but also force you to complete your much shunned assignment ( because we all are prey to procrastination). Like minded people who will never judge you is what you should be searching for.

2. Join a society.

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Trust me people, as you join college, go for the auditions of some society. You will have a vast array of choices ranging from dance to theatre to fine arts to management to photography. So you can easily find one which matches your interest and passion. Joining a society will definitely widen your horizons. You will interact with numerous people. This will give a boost to your confidence and you will never get bored with your college life.

3. Explore

Do not confine yourself to classrooms. Make memories because in the end it is memories that will matter. Become a foodie and explore all food joints (apna koi adda-shadda bnao). Do some totally crazy adventures. Go on trips. This is the time to enjoy because when you will turn old you should have stories to tell to you grand children.

4. Grab opportunities

DU is one such place where you get abundant of opportunities, grab most of them. Attend seminars and talks of savant scholars. Take initiative. Engage in different internships. Participate in competitions . Pursue some part-time courses, like a language course. Learn as much as you can.

5. Find yourself

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People all you have is three years, make them worth it. Find yourself. Find what pleases and excites you. Plan your future. College is the best time to know and plan your future as you are mature enough by this time. Prepare yourself for the life after college which will be headed with real responsibilities and difficulties. When you graduate you should have your aim clearly in front of you. So use these 3 years to know yourself.
So people these are 5 things you should do in your college life that will help you in a bright future ahead. And remember you wont get your college life twice. Live it to the fullest.
Best of luck for your college life and future. Stay happy and keep smiling.


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