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The Aroma of The Pages or The Elevation In Technology? What’s Your Call?

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¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬† ¬†”There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

Sometimes, there are some feelings that you cannot explain no matter how hard you try. Those 26 alphabets, somehow, can’t frame the words and sentences that could truly describe how you exactly feel about something. But then, there are some books that can exactly describe how you feel. That perfect twisting of words and sentences, somehow, make you feel condemned. Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.

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With the elevation in technology, E-books are available and seem to be so much popular among youngsters and the textbooks are losing its charm day by day.
Everyday, while travelling, I see so many people completely engrossed into those E-books. But some people, then again, can’t seem to get enough of textbooks.

Both, E-books and textbooks, have their pros and cons.

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When it comes to E-books, the first thing that comes to my mind is that it is portable. You can carry it from anywhere to everywhere, be it a journey to somewhere or sitting idly in washroom. Carrying E-books is like carrying a whole library with you. It’s Sone Pe Suhaga¬†for people who love variety. The books they want are just a few taps away. Also, E-books typically come with a myriad of extra features which can range from an integrated dictionary, online and media tie-ins that go over sections of the book, and a text-to-speech reader, which are of great help to students, especially. But then, there are cons, too.
The price is the negative point. But then again, it gives you the whole library in that price so that compensates. The only thing that I really appreciate about E-books is that no trees are harmed so it is Eco-friendly.

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Then comes the textbooks. Reading textbooks is quite different from reading E-books. Concentrating on textbooks is easier than E-books because there are possibilities that using E-books so much can hurt your eyes. Who doesn’t love textbooks? The old fashioned way folks used to refer to? The unique aroma of freshly minted pages of a textbook that just arouse your senses, that feeling. Those scribbling of words on the pages, with the feel of touching those words is just so mesmerising. Everyone would love to have textbooks in their bookshelves, to have their own library. You can’t just simply imagine yourself as a part of a book until and unless you feel them, which isn’t quite possible with E-books. It’s rightly said that a room without books is like a body without soul.

So what’s your call? The aroma of the pages or the elevation in technology?

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