CBSE BOARD RESULT 2017 for class 12th was declared yesterday. Raksha Goyal being the first topper of the dreaded board exams. Bhumi Sawant being the second topper and the third position was shared by Aditya Jain and Mannat Luthra.
In Delhi,Shagun Goyal and Ojasvi topped the CBSE Board exams.
Everyone has some aim in life.Have you ever imagined what is the aim of these toppers? Is their aim also similar to an average student or something different.Let us know about the dreams of these toppers.
Raksha Goyal,the topper of CBSE board exams,wants to be an IAS officer.She has scored a whopping 99.6% marks in board exams.Now she wants to do BA. (Honours) Political Science from Delhi university.After graduation she wants to be an IAS officer. Raksha said,”She has never been to tuitions in class 12th”. According to her to score good marks,one should instead of taking stress and studying some days before the exams,should study from the very beginning.
The second topper Bhumi Sawant is from Chandigarh.She has scored 99.4% marks.She wants to be a computer science engineer.
The 3rd rank holders, Aditya Jain and Mannat Luthra have scored 99.2% marks.The interesting thing is that both of them belong to Chandigarh. Aditya wants to be an economist while Mannat wants to be an IAS officer.
The toppers of Delhi,Shagun goyal and Ojasvi wants to go abroad for further studies instead of studying in India. Shagun Goyal want to study computer science at Stanford university and Ojasvi wants to pursue her career in Economics at Hong Kong University.
Nothing is impossible.If our aim is clear and we are well directed towards our aim then we can do anything to make our our dream a reality.
So if hard work and dedication is there then nothing is impossible. Even the word impossible itself says,”I am possible“.