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Delhi University Releases Its Six-Month Report Card

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On Tuesday, 19th January, acting Vice-Chancellor P C Joshi released DU’s six-month report card. While doing so, he also talked about the ‘Vidya Vistar Scheme’ or the V2 scheme. V2 aims to facilitate an academic cooperative system between colleges and departments of Delhi University and those of other Indian universities.

Through the V2 initiative, Delhi University proposes to make available its faculties, libraries and other academic facilities to the partnering institutions. Thus, encouraging academic cooperation and collaboration between universities. DU administration is yet to hear from the participating colleges. The scheme will involve online and offline lectures, workshops, faculty training, conducting joint researches, and publishing in collaboration.

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Prof Joshi says: “The V2 Scheme has already started. Letters have been sent to all colleges and departments. Now we are giving them the freedom to choose. We are not imposing anything. For now, we are talking about all our online resources. DU has state-of-the-art resources, our lectures, textbooks, projects, everything. In the coming time, we will see if we can invite researchers here and share our laboratories and other facilities with them.” 

DU will also focus on increasing its QS world university ranking, the VC further adds- “My mission right now is Mission 500, which is to be ranked between QS Ranking 400-500. Currently, we are at 510. It means we will have to improve ourselves on several fronts to get to that number. This involves recruitments, promotions, teaching methods, our researches, and connections with our alumni,”.

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Some key activities DU has undertaken in the past 6 months, as per its report- 
  • The university has formed a 42-member committee, chaired by Professor Vivek Suneja, for the implementation of National Education Policy 2020.
  • It has issued digital degrees to 19,821 students and provisional certificates to 3,885 students. It also conducted the admission process entirely online, for the very first time.
  • DU conducted online open-book Examinations (OBE) for the first time involving 2.5 lakh students in August and 1.7 lakh students in December last year.
  • It signed an MoU with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) as well as with 18 universities across the world for academic cooperation and collaborations with Indian and foreign scholars and students.

Read: ICCR Center In Action For International DU Students

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  • The university will turn 100 years old in 2022. For this purpose, a committee is being formed to create a ‘DU encyclopedia’ looking into its 100 years history.
  • DU has also announced that it will hold a convocation ceremony for the batch of 2020 on 27th February. It’ll be conducted in a mixed or blended mode i.e. online and offline.

Read: DU to hold convocation ceremony on Feb 27 in blended mode blended-mode-101611080815805.html


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