In a survey, it was found out that 125 students out of 183 students who are pursuing MA English from Delhi University will be facing difficulties in appearing for the online open-book examinations. Only 89 students out of 183 have access to computers which is an essential requirement for the exam.
This survey has been conducted by the final year students of MA English and sent to the University administration along with a letter against online examinations. There is a total strength of 325 students but only 183 students out of them were able to respond to the survey. It has also been found that there are only 35 students who could regularly end the online classes that took place earlier. Students have shared their incapability of writing the online examination.
In the letter submitted, the students have mentioned that these online open-book examinations lack infrastructural viability not only from the student’s side but also on the part of the university whose website keeps crashing due to low servers even when the results are declared. Other than that, this decision has no ethical strong-base and is institutionalizing the situation in a blatant and discriminatory manner. This whole approach is taken and executed in haste which shows the poor approach to education that the university endorses.
According to 126 students, Delhi University must also provide multiple modes of examinations. 42.6% of students have preferred on assignment-sort of examination where they have to submit the answer sheets after a few days, 33% have chosen offline examinations once college reopens and 26.2% suggested marks to be calculated on the based of the previous semester and internal assessment.
The University has said that the examinations require only limited access to the internet, only for downloading question paper and uploading answer sheets; and given a vague but complicated alternative for glitches. But the problem here is not of the duration of exams or availability of internet connection but of quality, consistency, and accessibility of these. The problem persists in both rural and urban areas of the country. Thus this is a discriminatory system that DU must withdraw/.