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DU Exams 2020 : Exams Get Cancelled For Students of First and Second-Year

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DU Exams 2020: As per the latest notice released by Delhi University in the view of COVID-19 pandemic, exams for all students of Intermediate year/semester have now been canceled. In the same notice, several other guidelines for the grading system for the students hailing from Intermediate semester have also been mentioned. Second-year students would be awarded marks on the basis of both, 50% according to the performance in the previous semester/year and 50% with respect to the internal assessment and assignment evaluation. However, the grading of first-year students would be done entirely on the basis of internal assessment, as previous year/semester marks are not available. 

The notice also mentioned the procedure which is to be followed for the Annual Mode of Examinations for UG students of School of Open Learning (SOL) and Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB). 50% marks of assignment based evaluation will be combined with 50% marks awarded on the basis of performance in the previous year/semester for second-year students. However, ex-students of second-year will have to appear for OBE examinations as per the date sheet released by the University. For the first-year students of SOL and NCWEB whose examinations for both the semesters are due to be conducted, marks will be given entirely on the basis of assignment evaluation and internal assessments. They shall be graded for their first semester and second semester separately. 

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The notice further mentioned that students marked as Essential Repeat (ER) and students who wish to improve their marks shall be allowed to attempt papers of the odd semester in the month of January 2021 and that of the even semester in May/June 2021. 

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