Sunday, March 9, 2025
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DU Exams 2020: MA Student Files Petition in the Delhi High Court Against OBE

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University of Delhi: In a second confrontation with the varsity, an MA final year student has filed a petition in the High Court of Delhi challenging the imminent Open Book Examinations (OBE) that will commence from July 10, 2020. Anupam, a final year student has accused the University of conducting the terminal year examinations despite inadequate lecture hours and online resources.

The petition filed in the High Court mentions the low attendance recorded during the online classes and the failure in completing the syllabus in many courses as well. It also indicates the lack of a system to check the use of the means of cheating which is conducive to unfair evaluation of the students. The university has provided the students with the option of Common Service Centre [CSC], thereby agreeing that the students do not have access to technological infrastructure and/or network connection, as mentioned in the petition. All in all, the petition has charged the University of conducting the examinations as a ‘formality.’

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In an earlier development to the rising dissent against the OBE, the High Court has directed to initiate legal proceedings against the University. The Court has held it responsible for trying to ‘mislead’ it by withholding the information of the postponement of the OBE, therefore, viewing it as a contempt of court.

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