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DU Exams 2020 : NSUI Trends #PromoteStudentsSaveFuture on Twitter, ABVP Meets Dean of Examination

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The National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) trended another hashtag on Twitter on Sunday, May 24, to continue the protests against the online examinations. The hashtag #PromoteStudentsSaveFuture trended with over 70k tweets to highlight the grievances of the students concerning the overnight decision taken by the University administration to conduct online examinations.

The NSUI said that it stood in “solidarity with the whole students and teachers fraternity” of the University to help raise their issue. The students who trended the hashtag cited various reasons in their tweets like the scarcity of the study materials, poor network connectivity and the lack of adequate personal space at their homes to appear for an exam.

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The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) also tried easing the difficulties faced by the student community by presenting “a memorandum of solutions” in a meeting with the University of Delhi’s Dean of Examinations, Professor Vinay Gupta on May 23, 2020. The organization emphasized on “the option of a pen-paper exam be available with students” along with accentuating the necessity of the final year students be given the “opportunity to appear for the supplementary examinations along with 6th semester” and intermediate students be “promoted using the ‘carry forward’ method.”

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    Image Source: ABVP. (ABVP unit with the Dean.)

The delegation of the student activists, led by ABVP Delhi State Secretary, Siddharth Yadav, DU Unit President, Ram Niwas Bishnoi and DU Unit Secretary, Rohit Kumar, suggested “alternative modes of holding the upcoming semester examinations” like “involvement of diverse digital platforms including but not limited to e-mail and WhatsApp, a dedicated helpline number to satisfactorily address the expanding the exam-related queries of the varsity’s students, leveraging the state-owned digital infrastructure to enable the participation of students living in remote regions of the country and seamless access to the digital academic resources and provision of study material online on a full and unconditional basis.”

The University, as of now, stays put on its decision of conducting the online examinations and has rolled out a comprehensive guideline for the teachers for formulating the question papers in light of Open Book Examinations (OBE). Meanwhile, the future course for the students to appear in these examinations without adequate means stays uncertain.

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Image Source – Times Now

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