The Political Science Department of Delhi University is going to introduce a paper on ‘Black Radical Movement‚Äô as apart of their syllabus, which will also pull a parallel with the ‚ÄòDalit Movement‚Äô in India. The topic was selected due to influence of Afro American Politics.
For the first time ‘Black Politics and Discrimination will be part of MA Political Science course.
Veena Kukreja, Head of the Political Science Department was quoted as saying by Times of India “it will cover politics developed by the African community in the West.”
“It gives the feeling that blacks are involved with radicalism and extremism.When we asked for clarity on this, the department couldn’t give a satisfactory answer,” Geeta Bhatt, a member of the standing committee was quoted as saying by Times of India when the proposal to have this paper was discussed in the standing committee meeting.