Friday, October 18, 2024
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DU will not reopen in January

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According to the Indian Express, DU has released an official statement stating that the circular about reopening of the university is fake and has not been issued by the dean examinations office. The statement was released after a circular claimed that DU will reopen for fourth-semester students of undergraduate courses from January.

A fake circular stating that “the University will reopen in physical mode from the 3rd of January, 2021. Online classes will not be continued, and attendance will be strictly compulsory. Any student found lacking in attendance hereafter will not be allowed to sit for semester examinations, internal assessment (IA), practical, viva-voice, projects, oral (moot courts) apprenticeship, internship, fieldwork, etc.” was doing rounds on social media.

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The government too had earlier stated that students do not require to attend college physically and if they decide to, they need a consent letter from their parents. DU had reopened its hostel facility for registered bonafide PhD students in August who needed access to the lab. These students were then asked to compulsorily self-quarantine in their rooms for 14 days after which they were screened at the WUS Health Center.

Meanwhile, the admission process at DU continues. The University released its third special cut-off list and its admission process began on the 28th of December.

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