Legendary Bollywood Actor Shashi Kapoor took his last breath in Kokilaben Ambani Hospital today evening.
Actor Randhir Kapoor affirmed this to PTI by saying,“He has passed away.”
“He was on dialysis for several years”,he added.
Shashi Kapoor was well-diligent in his field which actually made him the achiever of numerous notable awards,be it the Padma Bhushan award in 2011,Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2015, Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010,Mohammed Rafi Award in 2011 and a lot more besides these notable laurels.
He was the actor who made us realize that no penny can overpower the maternal love.“Mere paas MAA hain”,this line is itself enough to shut anybody’s mouth whenever you’re questioned, “Tere paas kya hain?” The way he did in Deewar.As a protagonist,he portrayed the roles which universally taught us life-dealing lessons.“Apna toh ek hi usool hain..Jiyo to apne liye,socho to doosron ke liye” which eventually a depicts truth that doing something for someone else’s sake would make you more happier rather than being self-centered.
“Yun hi nahin Dil lubhata koi!”
No person can ever take the place of Shashi Kapoor in our hearts.
The whole DU Express Team prays for Shashi Kapoor’s departed soul and family.