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Filmy College Life vs Real College Life

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Are you also one of those kinds who plan to rock their college entry with enigmatic background music and all heads turning in your direction as you wave your hair……cut cut cut….. its not a Karan Johar movie.

Haven’t you as a child always imagined your college life to be in a certain way but also been advised to stay rational. But deep down, some expectations do persist and they’ve often taken a toll on us at some point of time or the other. Whether our expectations were met or not, is a question bygone. But we do end up thinking about what life would’ve been like, had it been xxx college or yyy college. Even I had a few dreams of my own college, the giggling girl gang, spacious classrooms, eye-stretching lawns, and of course- Siddharth Malhotra type hunks……… but isn’t it all a bollywood movie I was thinking of!! And to top it all, I landed up in an all girls’ college.

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But hasn’t your dreamy Bollywood aspirations led you broken-hearted, well, you’re not alone love.
Below are some of the points that happen only in a filmy college and never in real life.

1. Clean canteens : No college canteen looks like a five-star hotel lobby where Shanaya (Alia Bhatt) can be seen twirling away. Those are just camera tricks. Your college canteen will have broken seats and fans that won’t work and unhygienic food and you know what? That’s what makes it special!

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2. Annual Competitions where you will definitely WIN! :¬†Even when you go unprepared‚Ķ Really? We are no Rahul‚Äôs and Anjali‚Äôs to perform and win!! How did we even fall for this one? Never happened in school, won’t happen in college!

3. Finding “The One” on your first day :¬†‚ÄúYou enter the college gates, slow breeze flowing, trip over something and land in the arms of your soulmate! Or, your dupatta gets stuck in the cuffs of your dream-guy‚Äù is all LIES. It‚Äôs more like ‚ÄúYou enter the college gates, keep trying to complete assignments, stay aware of suspicious activities, be skeptical and graduate single!‚Äù

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4. Arriving in a fancy style : Who doesn’t remember Hrithik from K3G or Varun from SOTY? Coming to college in that fancy red car or a hoard of bikes behind you? Yeah, no, forget about it. The best you’ll get is a second-hand Santro with a huge dent in the back and to be honest, your friends will love you for that as well! Also, e-rickshaws are a pure luxury to be honest.

5. Where’s my background music though? : This was, without a doubt, the most disappointing part for me. Why are there no violins playing when I finally saw at a cute guy or when I dramatically flipped my hair and where’s my signature tune when I walk into class and everyone looks at me like I’m a pure angel? Why does only Alia Bhatt get that? Why, Bollywood, why?!

6. Party? Sure! : How do these college kids in movies end up partying every weekend at these hi-fi and posh places? Partying for us meant cheap food and to say it out loud, party meant chilly potato and “college k bahar wale chholey kulche”.

7. Hot teachers? Umm…So far I can’t see any of them though!!

8. No hatred and enmity… : Real life does not have Silencer or Rancho, rather no tantrums of defeating the other person. Honestly, this drama looks better only in movies, real life is way better without them.

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