We're India's leading college media platform

Let us help you grow your business through our customised solutions

If your business is targeting millennial population of India then you're at the right place!

Advertise on our Platform

We reach out to lakhs of college students every month online.Make your brand visible by advertising on our digital properties to connect with college students and make your brand communication

Youth Marketing & Branding

Running a campaign and want to reach out to maximum students? With our marketing solutions make your brand campaigns more successful and outsource work in the form of live projects/virtual internships.

In Campus Marketing

Take your brand inside campus and engage directly with college students.Participate in college events, organise seminars, run contests, distribute samples, do market research and much more!

The Numbers Speak For Us!

5 Million+
Website Pageviews
Monthly Facebook Reach
1 Million+
Monthly Instagram Reach
Facebook Group Members

Why College Students Matter In 2019

They are developing life long tastes

They are hard working & enthusiastic

They are early adopters

They are influential

Achieve Your Business Goals With Us