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From Citizens to COVID-19 Rescuers…

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While 2021 marks us getting surrounded with a plethora of COVID protocols, a whopping number of citizens in India became life saviours by garnering resources via social media platforms and telephonic verifications – from citizens they became COVID rescuers.

Seeing our souls getting drenched in the ugly truth of life and toxicity, the warmth and generosity shown by a set of people are getting the better of our visions.

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In these unparalleled times, when people are capping in their hands via social media platforms including WhatsApp Messenger; umpteen kindred souls are extending helping hands. A multitude is starting their days with verifying credibility for a sea of contacts of plasma donors, hospital bed providers, oxygen concentrators providers, and cylinders providers. They are trying their level best to keep an eye on vacancies for the needy.

Google sheets, helping numbers, Instagram posts are all making rounds reaching those who are in dire need.
Google sheets, helping numbers, Instagram posts are all making rounds reaching those who are in dire need. (Image Source: India Today)

Volunteers of COVID Aid Citizens like Kaushik and Aanya are among hundreds who are helping save lives by matching SOS pleas and resource leads. (Source: India Today)

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“Who would have thought that social media, where we just crack jokes and entertain, would turn out to be this helpful one day. But it is happening and unfortunately, we do miss some people and are not able to help them on time because of the huge demand and lack of resources, and a system not being in place,” adds Aanchal Agrawal, a digital strategist and content creator while speaking to SOCIALSTORY. Moreover, taking into account that the information is time-sensitive, she collaborated with 20 others and ventured into the task of verifying each and every post that she stumbled upon.

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In addition, institutions and organizations including NCC companies, RWAs, Enactus have come to a head seeing the efforts of civilians towards the needy. Above all, they are making sure that the COVID treatment quintessential don’t cost an arm and a leg.


During the ongoing second wave, countless people are serving strength and support by delivering food to COVID-19 patients.

From citizens to COVID rescuers
Residents are trying their level best to cater the hunger needs of the patients of COVID-19. (Image Source: TOI)


“When I added a few Instagram stories asking for such service, I started getting queries by the dozen and saw a big gap where patients were looking for ‘COVID meals,’ which are essentially simple homemade food provided by home chefs in the neighbourhood,” author and chef Saransh Goila shares with a correspondent of SOCIALSTORY. He started delivering food for COVID-19 patients in Mumbai, Pune, and Bengaluru.

After reaching out to 250 odd volunteers from nooks and corners, they now run several pages with over 1,000 meal providers across 40 cities and 26 states.


Bengaluru-based designers Miti Desai and Piyus Jain, have formed the group ‘Recipe of Hope’. Here, several volunteers cook vegetarian food for COVID-affected families. Now, the ‘Recipe of Hope’ has transmogrified into a big, fat family.

Above all, a shout-out goes to Neetu who started devoting time to cooking and serving affected relatives and acquaintances. She did this while her classes moved online. Moreover, in no time, 50 residents stood arm-in-arm to fight against the novel virus with their platters.


Residents of Noida and Faridabad are on an unrewarding mission of feeding COVID-19 patients since the last year. Above all, it is commendable to see how these residents are charging nothing. And, they are delivering orders up to 10 km.


A gurudwara’s kitchen. (Image Source:

Many religious institutions such as ISKCON and Gurudwara Sadh Sangat are in talks for catering to the patients. Their hyper-local deliveries are being lauded.

In short, it is hope which keeps us going. एतदपि गमिष्यति। (This too shall pass.)

Read here | From Cylindrical Rolls To Oxygen Cylinders: Khan Chacha In Black Market

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