A FRESHER who is outgoing and enthusiastic and makes a whole new bunch of friends.
So the time has gone when you use to wear tie, black shoes and hair bands. As you already had said bye to your school that’s where the college open arms to you, to a whole new set of you and to your hidden talents as well.
Everyone in college is new to you as you are to them. And you all must be freaked out of how to make new friends. So here are a few tips for the fresher’s.
A simple salutation has a huge effect on the person. And let me remind you this HELLO is very powerful because this hello has saved and solved a lot many problems of you- This is the same hello you wished your crush every morning in high school. A simple hello is the green signal for you to have new friends. So please don’t feel shy, just say a HELLO.
ÔÇß Be the first one to APPROACH
Don’t shy away from approaching anyone in the college. Infact it is a plus point of showing your interest in the other. Also it gives a signal to the other that you are not an introvert.
ÔÇß Be POSITIVE and SURE about your every action
Have you ever heard these lines of Aditya telling Geet from JAB WE MET “ achcha sochegi na toh sb achcha hoga tere sath” which means be as positive as you can and then see the wonders. People truly bind and appreciate your true-self. Be a person who thinks that everything all around them is good then automatically everything will go good.
 Don’t be a CHIPKO
We all always think that if we keep on trying the other person will somehow talk to us but we might go wrong, what if the other person think you are being creepy or a chipko? So it is better you talk as much ass required. Dont cook stories or ask silly questions. It is sometime better to be calm and polite then be tagged as a chipko. So try your best to not try to make people like you. Just be yourself and let the magic work.
ÔÇß FIRST impression will be the LAST impression
It must be clingy but this is true. You will always be marked upon your first meeting . So don’t be too over and dont be too low. Bee the real you and try to be expressive and impressive.
College is all about exploring, and giving your best way to accelerate and move forward in Life.All the best!