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How to ace College Interviews?

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As a second-year student who has given numerous interviews and also taken many interviews – I present to you my guide on ‘How to ace College Interviews?’.

It’s all about Confidence 

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College society interviews are ninety per cent about confidence. The interviewer will ask you basic questions about yourself or things that can easily be found on your CV, and that is because they want to gauge your level of confidence. 

Dress for that Interview

Doing online college means sitting at home in your PJs and being over-familiar with your surrounding. So when you give an interview remember to dress for the part. And since only half your body is visible during an interview – wear a blazer or a smart button-up shirt. And definitely run a comb through your hair. 

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Blur your Virtual Background 

This might seem like a bit of basic advice but the majority of the candidates don’t follow through on this. No one wants to see your untidy room and those 1D posters on your wall. Also, ensure that you sit in a well-lit space, your interview is not supposed to look like the beginning of a bad horror movie.

Do background research 

I can’t stress the importance of research. So, make sure to understand the role you are applying for and remember to stalk the society social media pages. Pro-tip, look up the Linkedin of the person who is about to interview you; it is always great to know something about the interviewer. If you can form a connection with the interviewer your chances of getting the role increase drastically. 

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Stir the Conversation  

A big mistake people make is trying to talk about things they don’t know about. Always stir the interview into places of conversation you are familiar with and have expertise over. 

Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Don’t refer to your college seniors as Ma’am/Sir or Didi/Bhaiya. I personally find it weird cause they are just a couple of years older than you. So, refer to them by their first name or if that seems overfamiliar use Ms/Mr followed by the surname. 
  2. Do make eye contact. That makes you seem distracted and shy. 
  3. Always have some questions prepared. Most interviews end with – “Do you have a question for us?” Use this question as an opportunity to show your Interviewer that you came prepared and know a lot about society and position.
  4. Know the names of the faculty in-charges. Sometimes, interviews also have faculty present, so be mindful of that.
  5. Lastly, also remember that you deserve to be on that team. And no matter what happens they’d be lucky to have your talents onboard.

Read more DU and College-related news here.

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