Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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New Delhi

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Internship Lessons Given To Us By F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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The moment Monica said-“Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it”, my heart cried out aloud saying, Yes! Because, I literally felt that she was talking to me. F.R.I.E.N.D.S for us is our go-to sitcom series. Be it just another night-in or a strictly me-time after a day spent plodding in office, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is where our heart is. This show directly or indirectly taught me how to survive especially during internships. Because let’s face it, during internships WE ARE NEVER ON A BREAK!!

1. Control your Temper– Internships in our country are mostly unpaid. The struggle becomes more hectic when you are left with no time for yourself as the whole day of yours remain busy arranging the damn file papers! And thus, you end up being the short tempered person like once Ross was. You might get scolded a lot or flustered at times but don‚Äôt be stubborn and take things positively.

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2. Express your problems– Remember the time when chandler had some serious issues with his boss due to his frequent butt slapping. Being the youngest, your butt could be the next. Thus, never forget to express the problems faced by you to your senior. That‚Äôs how you work in an office.

3. Improve your GrammarBecause Y-O-U-R means your, and Y-O-U’R-E means you are. Well, Ross definitely taught me the importance of correct usage of words and how it can cause disaster. We love talking in our own SMS language even outside the social media which has totally ruined our way of communication. Office culture does not entertain that kind of talks.

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4. Your ethics will take you long way– Phoebe was one crazy lady, and one can deny that but her ethics and principles kept her unique in her own way. She sure was the lady who wrote the crappiest songs like ‚Äúsmelly cat‚Äù but the way she was comfortable in her own skin is a life saver skill that we need to develop to survive anywhere.

5. Never give up– Rachel told us that there is no harm in striving hard initially to sit to later enjoy the perks of life and Joey always made us dream big. In the end use your internship to find your lobster career and mate for life.

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Now that everything looks so simple, what are you waiting for? Join the biggest internship without any hesitation because F.R.I.E.N.D.S is backing you up!

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