A library is a place vibrating with ideas – Nancy Kunbardt Lodge
A library is a place which is not just known for having quality books but is also known for the good vibes it possess.
Etymologically, the term “library” is derived from a French word “Librairie”; Latin “liber” which means book. In fact, we all must be aware that libraries play a significant role in our academic and social lives.
In general terms, a library is a place where books, journals, research papers, CDs and newspapers from a variety of topics are kept, for the purpose of reading and gaining knowledge.
But, now the concept of library has changed adversely. Library now, is not just a place for reading and gaining knowledge but is also a medium through which one can enhance his/her social life. This is because in libraries one meets a lot of people who have the same opinions and thoughts as oneself and so, both the parties can associate with one another.
There are different kinds of libraries like, national libraries (serves as a national repository of information), academic libraries (generally located on the campuses of schools, colleges and universities and the sole purpose of these libraries is to serve the students and faculty of the particular institution), research libraries (has expertise collection of materials on one or more subjects for the scientific or scholarly research on a particular topic by individuals), reference libraries (generally found in college, universities and offices and it does not lend books and other items instead, they must be read at the library itself), special libraries (few different kinds of libraries that cannot be classified among any of the above-described types and are referred to as special libraries like libraries in hospitals, museums, private offices etc). It would be right to say that each type of library is unique in their own way.
In a library, one can experience all walks of life including children, youth, and the aged. Though, this is the era of technology but still, the true essence of libraries cannot be ignored because library is a place in the world that gives even the worst-off people a chance to improve themselves.
And in the end, it won’t be wrong to conclude that library is not just known for having geeks or bookworms but is also known for its geometric design, calmness and the book smell it possess.