Manish Sidodia, Delhi’s education minister has penned a letter to Delhi University’s Vice-Chancellor, Yogesh Tyagi, advising him to extend the usual tenure of the governing bodies of all State-funded colleges by three months. Also, he has requested Tyagi to bring the move in effect from March 9, 2019 without anymore delay.
‚ÄúDelhi University has followed a well established convention of extending the tenure of governing bodies but this has not been observed in instant case. Side lining the Delhi government nominees in the governing bodies of Delhi government- funded colleges by not extending the tenure is a politically targeted move. The political overtone in this whole process is quite palpable and is not expected from your high academic office” Manish Sisodia mentioned in a letter.
Sisodia’s proposal came after the tenure of the governing bodies of 28 State-funded colleges came to an end on 8th March,2019. The strategy is being considered as “political” strategy.
The Governing Bodies are responsible for all the operations taking place in the government colleges, like admissions, appointments and so on.
Sisodia wrote the letter to the Vice-Chancellor on 20th February. However, the extension has not been acted upon as of now, by the university. Tyagi is yet to confirm the same.