Friday, September 13, 2024
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Meninism – Need Of The Hour?

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We’ve all heard the word “FEMINISM”. And ironically, only a few of us know what it stands for. Feminism means equality. Equality between the males and the females. It means no bias on the basis of gender. It further states that both men and women are equal in the eyes of the law.

We’ve also come across various cases where women have been denied or forbidden from exercising their rights, and the justification for the same is stated to be because they are “females”. They are often refused from entering certain spheres of life because, apparently, they have been reserved for “men”.

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A lot of women, every now and then, have been coming forth to fight for the upliftment of the conditions of women. Various campaigns have been observed for training and educating women about their rights. A number of laws and ordinances have been passed for legal protection of the rights of women.

While often it has been observed that women are treated as subordinate or secondary, there have been a few instances where a few ‚Äúopportunist‚Äù women unduly used Feminism as a weapon. Now, none of us mean to undermine women but it is also unfair to consider somebody guilty without proper investigation or without giving a fair chance to the aggrieved party to put forth their side of story. A glaring example of the same is that of Sarvjeet Singh. How being a woman gave benefit of doubt to Jasleen Kaur. Without proper trial and not being proven guilty, the man has actually been punished enough. There are ample evidences where men have been wrongly accused of a crime they didn‚Äôt even commit. Such situations have given rise to a new movement named – MENINISM.

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Meninism is term used which has been used to describe various groups, including the men’s rights movement, and male feminists. The term is sometimes used sincerely to challenge social issues facing men, and sometimes satirically or semi-satirically as a word-play on feminism.

It is never advisable to consider all men the same because of the actions of a few who are actually a parasite in this society. Not all men are wrong and not all women are innocent.

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While oppression of both men or women is undesirable, one must not just jump to conclusions in a haste. Proper investigation must be carried out and then the judiciary must decide who is guilty and who is innocent. Let no man be wrongly accused and no women be oppressed. Both must be treated equal and given the right to live with dignity.

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