Saturday, July 27, 2024
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College Diaries : Miranda House

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“It is amazing how a year has passed, and I continue to be amazed by the enigmatic yet peaceful stature of this place.‚Äô‚Äô Welcome to Miranda House! Located in north campus, this college is a plethora of all the things we have been consciously or sub-consciously aspiring for. This place is home for many young women who enter with eyes gleaming with hopes and dreams, and changes their life forever. This transformation from¬†an introvert to a strong politically correct¬†woman is not only beautiful, but very empowering. The beauty of such aspirations and hope is exfoliated by the beauty of the college. Once you do step into this place, you‚Äôd resist blinking. Yes, it‚Äôs that beautiful.

Miranda House founded in 1948 by the University vice-chancellor, Sir Maurice Gwyer is a residential college for women. It is a pioneer of Women education in our country offering courses in sciences and liberal arts. It has been placed at number 4 in top science colleges and number 5 in top arts colleges in the country by the latest India today rankings.

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Miranda House has a number of perfectly functional societies to engage or develop your interests, including:

Adventure Club

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“ANUKRITI” Hindi Dramatics Society

“ARIELS” English Dramatics Society

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“DEBSOC” Debating Society

E-Cell, Entrepreneurship Cell of MH


Gandhi Study Circle

“GEETANJALI” Indian Music Society

“ORPHEUS” Western Music Society

“MRIDANG” Indian Dance Society

“TANZ” Western Dance Team

MH “Vatavaran” (Environmental) Society

“JIGYASA” Quizzing Society

“TULA” MH Consumer Club

“SPIC MACAY” Chapter of MH

SNAPSHOT- Photography Club


Miranda House canteens never disappoints in providing a decent quality food with the least burden on your pocket. Nescafe lawns have always been the life and soul of the college. You can always count upon the coffee from nescafe and cheese burger from PAM if the variety baffles you (guaranteed). Not to forget, our very poised and elegant cats will offer you a great company whenever you sip that coffee.


Located in the vicinity of the most student populated areas, students of the college are usually found in K-Nags (Kamla Nagar) street shopping and satisfying their hunger. Hudson lane, on the other hand, is another destination for students to chill between the classes.



The surroundings of the college are perfectly active with very functional societies, its share of politics and what not.  In fact, this is the place where you meet the most amazing and talented women from diverse backgrounds. You do not earn friends, but sisters, for life.


A common myth which continues to be scoffed at by women of Miranda House. While many women are feminists, Mirandians retain the real meaning of feminism and are surprisingly adept at being politically correct. You cannot mess with a woman here, she sure knows to ace the shushing process. Ouch!

The moment you step into this college, you’d know that you have made the best decision of your life. I will end by quoting which I have repeatedly heard from my seniors, ‘‘You can take a girl out of Miranda, but you can never take Miranda college out of a girl.”

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