Must Watch Movies Before You Graduate:Part-I

As we grow up the scope of our thoughts, broadens. Liars are the people who tell you that education will single-handedly accomplish that. Wisdom comes with exchange of thoughts and ideas. Apart from discussions, it’s novels, movies and theatrical plays that take it upon themselves to mature you in terms of emotions, intelligence and humanity. Here is the first of many lists to guide you through not only entertainment but enlightenment.

1.Fight Club

Fight-Club-posters-1Director: David Fincher

Lead Actors: Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bonham Carter

A plot twister that hits you when you least expect it, Fight Club is a movie that leaves you dumbfounded after you finish it and craving if you could forget it just to watch it again oblivion.

2.The Imitation Game


Director: Morten Tyldum

Lead Actors: Bennedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightly

A biography of the infamous mathematician Alan Turing which leaves you in awe of his skills and then leaves you disappointed at the society.

3.Inside Out


Directors: Ronnie del Carmen, Pete Docter

Voice Actors: Amy Poehler, Kaitlyn Dias

This animated movie that has so playfully explained the human psychology will leave you in tears of joy and sadness (pun intended after you watch the movie) before you even realize. If you need to reconnect with your emotions, this is the movie for you.

4.The pursuit of Happyness.


Director: Gabriele Muccino

Actors: Will Smith, Jaden Smith

For this one, sit with tissues and chocolate within reach, for it’s sure gonna make you cry. This movie takes you through the hardships of life to end in a sliver of a moment of true happiness. special credits to Jaden Smith and his impeccable acting skills as a destitute child of a strong willed man (Will Smith).



Director: Neeraj Ghaywan

Actors: Sweta Tripathi, Vicky Kaushal and Richa Chaddha

The roller-coaster of emotions that this movie is, takes us to the peak of pain and then to the valley of acceptance. This wonderfully directed movie will give you goosebumps in the tiniest of moments when you don’t even expect it and gives you an overview to the gravity of moving on.

6.Midnight in Paris


Director: Woody Allen

Actors: Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Marion Cottilard

For those of you whose souls are decades older than their bodies, this movie explains your attraction towards the unseen past and affinity to its glory. This one will especially enchant the people who favor the classic English authors.

7.12 Years a Slave


Director: Steve McQueen

Actors: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Brad Pitt

Story of a an African-American free man who was deceitfully kidnapped and thrown into slavery, this movie is all cries and tears with a single happy moment. It’s emotionally draining yet worth a watch.

Hope you watch all these and by the time you are finished there will be a part-II waiting for you.



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