Friday, October 18, 2024
26 C
New Delhi

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My Experience Of Teaching In A Slum : How It Changed Me Forever

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In the narrow and stingy lanes I 
walked by,
Knocking on each one's door, 
hearing their babies cry.
In a shanty, heard a mother's 
Not allowing her child to study,
thereby crushing his dream.
While in others met welcoming 
Including a blind mother and her 
child with braces.
Mosquitoes hovering over the open
I silently watched this braced
child's grandma as she knits.
Spoke to this child in hindi with
words a few,
'Talk in English', he said 'I want
to learn something new'.
The spirit for knowledge in him
made me look wide-eyed,
Seeing this somewhere a sense of 
procastination in me died.
Had come with a motive to convince
the penurious families,
To send their children for free
Met many children with dreams
quite high,
Kept in mind 'I won't be 
comforting them with a lie'.
The pathetic conditions in which
they live made my eyes teary,
But their faces enlightened my 
mood as desire to study could be 
seen in them clearly.
The little kids enthusiastically 
rushed towards us,
I taught this boy 'Sahil' who lent 
me his ears without a fuss.
So joyously he perceived 
How his eyes gleamed when he said,
'Di, I want to become a king'.
A different world could be traced 
in here so well,
The outside where the rich and in
here where the poor dwell.
An hour with the kid gave me the
desired peace,
It was then I wanted the time to

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