Sunday, February 23, 2025
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New Delhi

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Not part of any college society? Don’t worry!

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So its that time of year again when every fresher has started to settle down a bit and by settling down, it means they are now a member of the famed societies of their colleges.

Some get selected into their beloved one while some have to settle for some societies. Some get into two-three( few get into even five) while there are some who don’t get into any.

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This is for those freshers who don’t make into the societies of their choice or any society.

1. Don’t be disheartened
Life is all about ups and downs. So what if you didn’t get into a society. You gave your best. Just know about your shortcomings and where did you lack and work on them. You will have another shot next year.

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2. Celebrate yourself
Freshers, you have worked hard to get into the college of your dreams. Don’t beat yourself about this minute failure. Celebrate the fact that you have made into a college. Appreciate yourself.

3. Internships all the way!
Look for internships. They will not only add to your CV but also help you to do something productive with your time. There are many internships out there you just have to have your eyes, ears and mind open for them.

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4. Just Enjoy
Since you’re a fresher you don’t have the burden of studies much, so just chill with your friends in college, go to new places and explore different facets of life. Don’t lead a monotonous life.

5. Explore yourself.
Being in a society takes up a major amount of time. So you have a lot of time to actually know yourself a bit more. You have the time to learn and do new things like learn a new language, join a NGO and you even have the time to follow your hobbies. Yes, at times this free time will not seem to pass but utilize this time for your personal growth and development.

College societies do play an integral role in making your college life memorable. But since you are just a fresher, it is perfectly normal to not be a part of any society. See the working and functioning of your college societies. Decide what is best for you. Look what they need and work on yourself accordingly and try again for the societies next year. And always know that you are not alone. There are so many college students who aren’t even a part of any society yet their college life is fantastic. It is just a myth that if you are not part of a society then you will not have a good college life. It is upto you how memorable and amazing you want your college days to be. So enjoy and do remember that life has some other good surprising things in store for you.

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