Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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New Delhi

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Lack Of Water Leads To Loss Of A Medal

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If this negligence by the Indian Olympic Association(IOA) officials doesn’t prove them to be hypocrites , I don’t know what would. Just when you need them to be with you , they disappear but as soon as you’re about to triumph , they will surely be seen around. How can we even expect Indians players and athletes to win laurels for us if they are forced to fight for life on the ground instead of their country?

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OP Jaisha, India’s national record holder, was running a tough race when she collapsed at the finish line under the scorching sun due to non-availability of water and glucose by the Indian officials. Even though there was a desk after 2.5 kms each, not one man was there to provide her with the essentials. Had they forgotten the day of the race? Because I don‚Äôt think there could be a better explanation for their invisibility. This dereliction of duty hadn‚Äôt occurred to any other country besides ours.

She said , “We are supposed to be given drinks by our technical officials, it’s the rule. We cannot take water from any other team. I saw the Indian board there but there was nothing. I had a lot of problem, I fainted after the race. I was administered glucose, I thought I would die.” When the Indian Sports Minister Vijay Goel was asked about the issue, he said that it was a concern of the Athletics Federation of India (AFI).It sure is very convenient to play the blame game! She also added “The organizers provided water and sponge only at 8-km intervals. The water from these stations lasted hardly 500m and it was almost impossible to run after the 30-km mark under the scorching sun”. As a result of this apathy , Jaisha collapsed at the finish line . Seven bottles of glucose along with enough rest helped her to gained consciousness after 2-3 hours.

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Even after this incident, the athletic federation is attacking OP Jaisha and not favoring her for being strong willed even when she wasn‚Äôt provided with basics.They said,¬†”It is the responsibility of the athlete & her coach to ask us to provide refreshments. We cannot feed the athlete anything from our side. We had provisions but neither Jaisha nor her coach asked us that they would be needing them. Moreover there were water stations along the marathon route in Rio. It is wrong for the athlete to blame AFI after the incident.” With much ease , they are calling her a liar.


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Jaisha also said that she would have made it 101%, had she had got water and refreshments on time during the marathon. The country just lost another chance of bagging a medal.

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