Monday, March 10, 2025
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New Delhi

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The 30-70 Formula : How It Shocked A Student Who Knew Nothing About The DUTA Strikes

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The 30-70 formula,what is it? Is it somewhat related to us?

Recently,we all DU-ites witnessed strikes in our colleges by DUTA. Some of us might have made fun of this,some of us were disturbed because of cancellation of classes but actually how many of us knew the exact reason for the strike? Very few.

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Same was with me.I did not know why the strike was going on.I thought it may be for our professor’s welfare issue.But when i went college yesterday and come to know the reason,I got shocked for what is going to happen.

The strike is going on because of the 30-70 formula which is going to be implemented by the Government.We all were very happy when NAAC team visited our colleges and gave good grades but now because of those good grades the government feels that the colleges are capable of being autonomous.That’s why the funding from the Government is going to stop.This is what the 30-70 formula is about.The Government is going to provide only 70 percent funding to the colleges.

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Are the colleges really capable of being autonomous? Don’t know. But yes,surely I know that the ones who are poor and dream of a better future after taking admission in DU are going to lose their hopes.As the stopping of funds is only going to make higher education inaccessible for them due to the high fees which will colleges will charge in order to generate revenue.

What will be about those who are currently studying in the University? Will the value of students after graduating from the University remain same as of now? Can colleges really afford being autonomous? .

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In some colleges students have also supported teachers in the strike and its time we also do the same.

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