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The DU-JAT Dilemma : BMS, BBA(FIA) or BBE? What Suits Me The Best?

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The Admission process for Delhi University is at its final stage. Hundreds of thousands of applications filed, the anxiousness for cutoffs is imminent in the air. Most of the DU aspirants have little to do right now, except worrying about and speculating the cutoffs. They’re done with their exams, and now it’s time for them to trust their destiny.

Sadly, when I said “Most”, I meant it. There exists a peculiar bunch of students that are still studying. Day in and day out, attending coaching, doing assignments, reading newspapers and cursing their life choices. They’re our DU-JAT aspirants, the ones who want to enrol themselves in one of the 3 professional courses offered at DU: BBE, BMS, and BBA (FIA).

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That’s not all, destiny doesn’t spare them even after they’ve successfully butchered the exam. Their next peril comes in the form of a decision, a choice that they have to make between the 3 courses that are vaguely similar, at least at first glance.

In this article, we will try to differentiate between the 3 courses to help these wretched souls decide and finally attain a hint of satisfaction.

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1) BMS – Bachelor of Management Studies

Probably the most common choice of students appearing for JAT, to such an extent that the exam is also known as the “BMS exam” in informal circles. This doesn’t mean that it is the best course though, that is subjective and entirely depends on your area of interest. BMS entails subjects from various fields of Business Management: Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, and Global Business. Any of these specialisations can be chosen in the third year, after studying a blend of disciplines that include Economics, Statistics, Financial Management, Organisational Behaviour, Accountancy and the likes. BMS is better suited for a “generalist”, who would like to explore his options before deciding on any particular field.

Some of the best colleges offering BMS : SSCBS, KMV, CVS, DDUC, and SGGSCC.

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2) BBA (FIA) – Bachelor of Business Administration (Financial Investment Analysis)

Often seen as the rival of BMS, this course has an intense focus on Finance and Financial Management, suited for people who have a firm interest in the field. There’s also much more mathematical inclination here when compared to BMS, so it isn’t for people who flinch at the sight of numbers. For people who like finance but feel unsure, BMS with a specialisation in Finance is a better option, but for those who are absolutely in love with Finance and can picture themselves venturing into it in the future, BBA(FIA) is the saviour. It includes subjects like Portfolio Management, Financial Investments and Markets, Economics and Accountancy.

Colleges offering BBA(FIA) : SSCBS and Shaheed Rajguru College (W)

3) BBE – Bachelor of Business Economics

We would say this is the most underrated course here, because it has an extremely strong course structure and it is an excellent blend of economics and commerce. This course is very quant-heavy and certainly requires a student to be on good terms with numbers. There is a strong focus on Economics (obviously), along with subjects like Accountancy, Finance, Statistics and Mathematics. BBE is a very rigorous course, and it is the best choice here for students who have a spot in their heart for economics and mathematics. It is debatable whether Economics Honours is a better choice or not, but that is outside the realm of DU-JAT.

Some of the best colleges offering BBE : SGGSCC, SGTB Khalsa, CVS and Gargi.

Ultimately, we would like to conclude that all these courses are excellent in their own rights, and it is the person that defines their worth. We should let go of any bias that we might have before deciding. Just because most of the “toppers” prefer a particular course, doesn’t mean it is better. It just means it is in the trend, and moving out of a trend is how you begin to make new ones, right?

BMS Syllabus: https://www.du.ac.in/du/uploads/Syllabus_2015/18072015BMS-Revised.pdf
BFIA Syllabus: https://sscbs.du.ac.in/files/courses/bfiasyllabus.pdf
BBE Syllabus: https://www.du.ac.in/du/uploads/Syllabus_2015/B.A.%20Hons.%20Business%20Economics.pdf

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