Friday, February 14, 2025
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New Delhi

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This Is How Much You Need To Pass Class 12th Exams & Improving Marks Criteria

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With only a day left for the most awaited results of class 12th to be declared,students are under immense pressure and excitement about their scores and whether they will pass or not.The tension and anxiety among the students is reaching at its peak.The students are in dilemma that what is the criteria for passing.

The information regarding percentage, grade point of optional (5th subject), Compartment, Improvement is as follows:

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Percentage : In order to be declared as having passed the examination,students would be required to score at least 33 per cent of the total score of each subject.Different subjects have different total marks.Students should calculate their scores accordingly.Even internals,practicals and theory exams have such a scheme.Students need to score at least 33 per cent in their internals and practicals to pass the subject and at least 33 per cent in the board theory examination in order to clear the subject as a whole.

For Example: If the total marks in the theory paper of Chemistry is 70,then students need to score at least 23.1 in order to pass.If the total internal marks are 30,students need to score 9.9 in order to pass the internal/practicals.Overall,a student must score 33 out of a 100 marks in each subject so as to pass.

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Grades : The assessment of Work Experience,Art Education and Physical and Health Education will be graded.Both the internal and practical marks for all subjects will be assigned one of the following grades-A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2 and E. A1-Top 1/8th of the passed candidates than A2- next 1/8th of the passed candidates and so on and grade E signifies failed candidates.

Compartment : Students who fail up to two subjects can appear for Compartment exams which are held in the months of July and August.Candidates will be declared as “Passed” if they manage to clear the subject during the compartment exams.Those who fail the compartment will be consider as “Failed” and can appear for all subjects again the following year.To be eligible for the compartment exams,students should have cleared the internal assessment of the subject and should not have failed more than two subjects in the boards exams.Students will have the option to either appear for internal and practical marks from the previous year.

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Improvement: To appear for the improvement papers candidates are required to have passed the subject during the March board exams.Students can appear for improvement in more than one of the main subjects.No one will be allowed to appear for an improvement paper more than once.

Wishing good luck to all the 12thies, remember a single sheet of paper cannot decide your future.Hoping you all will pass by flying colors.All the best!

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