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Types of People in a College Library

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The library is a refuge for college students. If you have time to while away between lectures and are not willing to go out due to the heat, the library is your place to be.

Now, there are various categories of people that you’ll find in a library. All of us have different motives for our visit. Today, I’m going to list down some specimens you are sure to find in your college library. So read on.

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1. The Nerds

The name speaks it all. These people are here for the express purpose of studying. They will enter the library laden with their books, registers, a bottle of water, chewing gum, pillow, blanket…well, you get the drift. They will scour a deserted spot in some remote corner of the library and set to work in solitude. An internal is rearing its ugly head, but they have their weaponry ready. Do not disturb them. Consequences could be catastrophic.


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2. The Wi-Fi Hungry

The Wi-Fi may or may not work in any other part of the college, but the one spot where it will most definitely work? The library! Because of this perk, this place becomes the favourite of the Wi-Fi hungry. Need to check your WhatsApp for useless messages? Need to watch the new YouTube video by your favourite channel? Need to do some research for that pending project? Spend hours in the silent retreat, surfing on the internet without wasting a penny.


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3. The Vellas

Agreed, the second category of people are also “vellas”, but at least they find a library-acceptable way of wasting their free time. These people, on the other hand, enter the library armed with the purpose of spending the free hour in a productive manner, and end up whiling away the hour talking and laughing with their mates and disturbing all others. These people are the antithesis of the nerds.


4. Kill you With my Looks

Lame name 😛
These are the extreme kind of nerds. You dare make the ghost of a noise and disturb them, they’ll be ready with a terrifying stare. When they’re around, don’t say a word to your mate, don’t even flip the pages of your book, don’t even blink your eyes. And if you fall under the third category of people, these people are your nemesis. Best of luck.

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

5. The First Timers

In their one whole year of college life, they’ve never even cared to venture a visit to the library. Far from being their safe haven, the library is strictly forbidden territory for them. But now the exams are approaching, and unless they make that much dreaded annual pilgrimage, their marks are not even going to depict two digits, let alone three. So they finally enter the premises. However, since they’ve never been here before, they don’t know the procedure for registration, the position of the laptops, or anything else.

After disturbing all staff and students alike, when they finally reach the stack hall, they heave a sigh of relief. But but but, their troubles are far from over. Now they need to find a book, out of hundreds, that may help, when they do not even know the syllabus. Tough luck!


6. The Love Birds

How can this list be complete without mentioning this particular, esteemed category? Why hang out anywhere else when you have the library? It is the perfect place, with its silence, away from prying eyes. While others are too engrossed in their books to take notice, you have moments to yourself. Sneak away to a reclusive section of the library and make memories. But make sure the nerds are not hiding there!

Which category do you belong to? And what other types of people have you seen? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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