Monday, March 10, 2025
26 C
New Delhi

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University In Bhopal Is Offering An ‘Adarsh Bahu’ Course To Tackle Rift In Families

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Well this is shocking as well as interesting.A university in Bhopal has taken up the responsibility of preparing adarsh bahu-model daughters-in-law to tackle the breaking families and societies in India.The Barkatullah University has decided to start a three-month training course to prepare model daughters-in-law from the next academic session. The announcement is made keeping women empowerment in mind,claimed the University.

Barkatullah University Vice Chancellor D.C. Gupta told Times of India “it is a three-month course. These days, we see that social evils are breaking families apart. We are starting the course so that families remain intact. This is not a course about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law but about how to keep the entire family from breaking apart.”

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“We see that these days there are disputes in families over small issues and families are breaking apart. People are fighting within a year of marriage and the issue even goes to the extent of a divorce. Now what will happen to the girl and the family? So should we not do something that saves the family from breaking apart?” he added.

The VC stated that 30 girls will be admitted in the first batch.Regarding the minimum qualification for admission,he said that it is too early to say anything.According to sources, feedback will also be taken from the families of girls who complete the course.

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Earlier,there were media reports that the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) was starting an ‘adarsh bahu’ training.The IIT administration had,however, denied the reports, claiming there was no plan to run such a course.

While teaching girls to adjust to their new lives sound like a good idea,how about teaching some of these life skills to the boys too? If having an Adarsh bahu is so important then what about a sanskari son-in-law?

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