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Who Is Baba Ramdev’s Guru And Many Bizarre Questions Asked In Haryana Government’s Job Exam

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Last week,an exam was conducted by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC),for recruitment to the posts of police constable, clerk, food sub-inspector, patwari (revenue official), statistical assistant and even pump operators.

Where is the dera of Kali Kamali Baba located in Haryana? Who is the guru of Baba Ramdev? On which part of the body is the ornament ‘Chalkada’ worn?These are some of the questions in the general knowledge category that candidates appearing in competitive exams for government recruitment have been asked to answer in Haryana over the last two years.Candidates and social activists are now questioning “the logic behind such questions”.

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Though officials in the Haryana Staff Selection Commission refused to comment on the matter, talking to Indian Express state BJP spokesperson Raman Malik told the daily that the “questions are related to the social fabric of the state that should be known by the aspirants”.A candidate in the recruitment exams for police constables and bus conductors said after not having found these questions in any book, he had sought his grandparents’ help. “We don’t understand the logic behind such questions”,he told to Indian Express.

These are the following Some questions asked in exams for recruitment to Haryana government jobs:

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Where is the dera of Kali Kamali Baba located in Haryana?
(Shift Attendant 2016; answer: Kurukshetra)
Who is the guru of Baba Ramdev?
(Haryana Parwari Exam 2016; answer: Acharya Baldev)
On which part of the body is the ornament ‘Chalkada’ worn?
(Haryana Police Constable 2016; answer: Leg)
Which occasion is also know as “Basodha”?
(Police Constable post, 2016; answer: Nirjala Ekadashi)
On what occasion is ‘Sindhara’ gifted to daughters or sisters?
(Patwari/Lower Division Clerk, 2016; answer: Teej)
‘Roti mud jana’ is a sign of what in Haryana?
(Lower Division Clerk, 2016; answer: Arrival of guests)
The Haryana government decided to constitute village level committees under the chairmanship of ___ for construction and maintenance of cow homes?
(Bus Conductor, 2017, answer: Sarpanch)
Which place in Haryana is related to Kapil Muni?
(Haryana Statistical Assistant 2016; answer: Kalayat)
Of what metal are ornaments worn in legs made of?
(Pump Operator 2016; answer: Silver)
Where is the place named Dairongo located?
(Haryana Food Supply Sub-Inspector 2017; answer: Bhiwani)
What does the idiom ‘Chilam Bharna’ mean in Haryana?
(Pump Operator/ Divisional Accountant 2016; answer: To serve guests).

Are you too baffled by above questions;do let us know your response to such a government exam question paper.

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