Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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8th Young India Challenge at IIT-Delhi Took Everyone By a Storm

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Human Circle organised the 8th Young India Challenge (YIC) at IIT Delhi on 4-5 March, 2017. It was an ‘Impact Edition’ and the focus was on finding innovative and sustainable solutions for the ‘United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’. 500 selected participants,speakers,mentors,jury members and happiness team members from 25+ cities were invited to do the challenge. Eventually 4 teams (40 participants) emerged victorious and were rewarded with prizes worth more than Rs 1 lac each.It was was the biggest YIC so far.The next edition will be at IIT Bombay in October 2017.

The smiles and memories at the Impact Edition of YIC at IIT-D will take a long time to fade away. The social media is still buzzing with pictures, stories and videos. The #DoWhatYouLove movement taking social media world by storm! Organised by Human Circle, the 8th Young India Challenge saw the participation from the top youth influencers in India.

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Kamal Seth and Wioleta Burdzy Seth, the founders and creators of Young India Challenge and Human Circle, along with an energetic Happiness Team, welcomed the delegates from different states and walks of life with interesting ice breakers on Day 1. Heated discussions started with the very first session, as Kamal addressed the youth, asking them about their passion, career and objectives for life. The ‘Hack Your Brain’ session next woke up the delegates to hard hitting challenges of life in India and around the world, and how can we overcome them by combining our passion and our attitude of not giving up. The Speakers lined up next were inspiring with their #DoWhatYouLove stories. The hall was charged with motivation and inspired by the addictive energy and enthusiastic of the speakers. At the end of the day, the delegates were divided in teams and the challenge was announced, leaving the teams in fits of excitement.

Day 2 saw the best mentors chosen from across India, extending their guidance to all the team. Authors, dancers, founders, corporate professionals, social entrepreneurs, social acvitivists, CEOs of MNCs and many others were a part of the ‘YIC Mentors and Jury Panels’.  The focus of the challenge was UNSDGs, pushing the teams to brainstorm and find the best possible sustainable solutions for them. The bond strengthened, the intensity grew and the presentations were presented.

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The 8th YIC concluded with an awesome awards ceremony, announcing the winning teams and ‚ÄòYou Are the Story Winners, happiness, energy, stories, sugarcubes and promises to spread the #DoWhatYouLove movement to make ours and others’ life better and impactful. An experience like no other!

Check out the updates on their facebook page and website. The applications are now open for the 9th YIC which will be organised in October 2017 at IIT Bombay. Check more details at – www.youngindiachallenge.com

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