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Sri Guru Gobind Singh College Students Designed A Beautiful Pop Art Graffiti Called ‘Discover Colours at GGS’

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The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity. To give the artists of our college a creative medium to recreate their imaginations, VIRTUOSO – The Fine Arts Society of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce organized a week long art extravaganza from 15th to 22nd February

As a part of this, the team members completed a pop art graffiti commonly known as “Discover Colours at GGS” . The team realized that colleges, apart from the ones of design, have monotony etched in the walls, to the core of it. In what we all chase, we forget that colors and art go in tandem to create magic and vanish monotony. Such was the idea behind painting the walls of dull hues by what all have been missing out‚Äì the life.

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The center piece of the graffiti consisted of a visage, filled with colours and passion just like each and every student of SGGSCC has on his face. The team was successful in creating a popular photo stop for the college students. This was a part of the art extravaganza, initiated by the society, bolstered by the authorities, certainly received well by the colleagues and made most, smile.

For the students it was even more fascinating to see art travel from sheets of paper to the huge walls. Took 20 members, 7 days, much toiling, paint splats on the clothes, but the end was as beautiful as the means. Each and every member expressed their hearts on the graffiti. Both the journey and the result are worth remembering.

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VIRTUOSO ‚Äì The Fine Arts Society hasn’t left any stone unturned. This society facilitates the need of art and dexterity in this prestigious college. Despite it being a relatively new society, it has been successful in making its mark through the plethora of achievements and participations since its inception

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