A notice was issued last week at Delhi University’s Department of Social Work in which female students have been given instructions to “dress properly” while coming to the Common Room of hostel meant for both female and male students. The notice also instructed to not indulge in any sort of “indecent behaviour”.
The head of the department told Times of India “We don’t interfere with what students wear and believe in progressive education.This notice was put up to respect the sensibility of the female students”
Previously as well Delhi University colleges have put guidelines in place to keep a check on its female students.In March this year,International Students’ House for Women prohibited its residents from leaving the premises from Sunday night to Monday evening ‘in view of their safety’ on the occasion of Holi.
Hindu College too last year issued a diktat asking its hostellers to dress in a “normal manner while visiting the dining hall and other common spaces in the hostel and the college“.The notice was withdrawn after students protested against it.