Do you want a pet too?
We all know this is our daily cycle: Open Instagram. Do a quick scroll and come across a dog video (or literally any animal video). Check that particular page but also so many others! Think of life with a pet. But then?

Welcome to the life of an animal lover! But are you really an animal lover?
You can’t take a test to prove it and you don’t need one. However, you do know a dozen reasons for how these animals make you feel! While we all find them cute, we are not completely familiar with how having them is also great for our health.
Benefits of having a petÂ
Taking your dog out for a walk ensures good physical movement for the pet parent. Seeing your cat in your room might make you feel less lonely. Having pets means an increased opportunity for socialization with other pet parents! Moreover, it is believed that having pets can help your health in the following ways:
• Decreased blood pressure
• Decreased cholesterol levels
• Decreased triglyceride levels

Pets or no pets?Â
On the contrary, when it comes to pets, researchers are very iffy. A quick google search can prove this. If you get 10 reasons on why to adopt one, you will get another 10 for the opposite. This is because, beyond the cute videos, they need care. You need to make sure that they are healthy! From economic to time constraints, there are many factors that might not allow you to have a pet. But does that mean we can’t be an animal lover?
Definitely no!
Animal lover forever
The pandemic has been hard on everyone. The work from home and online classes are the new ‘normal’. Whereas this is for us humans, what about our animal friends? The fear of the pandemic should not leave them alone. Besides, feeding your neighborhood dog or cat can be your volunteering! You don’t need NSS to be a good human! Just a kind heart.
Additionally, you can adopt animals as well. But all of this does not pertain to the pandemic. Your college and other constraints should not stop you from doing good work. You can volunteer for animal-welfare NGOs!

You might or might not be a pet parent soon, but you can always be an animal lover!