Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Attendance Record Shows DUSU President Ankiv Baisoya Studied At CVS,ABVP Welcomes Verification

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Today morning, attendance records at College of Vocational Studies were circulated from January 2016 of 6th Semester International Trade subject where newly elected DUSU President Ankiv Baisoya’s name featured among the list of students who attended lectures in this particular course indicating that he was a student of the college.

Few days back NSUI alleged that the documents submitted by Ankit Baisoya as part of his Graduation degree were fake by showing a letter from the Thiruvalluvar University,Tamil Nadu which mentioned that no student with the name of Ankiv Baisoya studied there.The accusations were rejected by Ankiv Baisoya various times and ABVP asked Delhi University to verify documents of not just Ankiv Baisoya but all the DUSU office bearers to make sure that such allegations aren’t made against anyone in the future.Check the report here

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Attendance Record Shows Ankiv Baisoya As Student Of CVS In Delhi University,ABVP Welcomes Verification

The attendance record can be accessed on the CVS website here

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But the College of Vocational Studies attendance record has brought a new twist to the story because if Ankiv was a student at CVS from 2013-2016 then how could he study at the Thiruvalluvar University at the same time? This also raises a concern of dual degree because enrolling in two full time courses at the same time makes both your degrees invalid if we take the past UGC circulars into account.

“DU go for verification in such cases after receiving a complaint and they have a systematic procedure for it. ABVP will provide its full cooperation to DU if the University goes for verification. And if Ankiv is found guilty then he must go through all the legal actions for his fault and if he comes out with clean hands then all those people who have made or are spreading this propaganda must go through legal actions for mentally harassing and defaming the current DUSU President”. said Monika Chaudhary,National Media Convenor of ABVP.

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A Newslaundry report has mentioned that teachers at College of Vocational Studies confirmed that Ankiv Baisoya was a student of the college and actively took part in various protests on the college campus.

We’ve contacted the ABVP whether the claim of Ankiv Baisoya being a student of CVS is true or not and whether they were aware of the same or not.We are awaiting a response from the party.This space will be updated once we get their reply.

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